Dana Point Boaters Association



Updated December 12, 2015


Welcome to the Dana Point Boaters Association budget watchdog page. This webpage contains documents from the County of Orange and other Local & State Agencies having to due with our Harbor's Budget, Expenses, Revitalization Budget and Costs.  These documents have been approved for posting on this website by the originator.

Why is this information important to Dana Point recreational boaters?

Our harbor is indeed owned by us, the citizens of the State of California.  However this conditionally deeded in trust to The County of Orange in a legislatively authorized contract known as the Dana Point Tidelands Trust (original) & Amended Dana Point Tidelands Trust (09-20-2014).  This agreement is overseen of the California State Lands Commission (CSLA) which is  chartered to assure that the County of Orange in fact continues to strictly adhere to the contract’s terms and conditions.  The County of Orange in turn holds lead responsibility for our harbor’s  governance, and  is also responsible for its lawful and proper operations, including the harbor revitalization project.  Regarding the revitalization project, CSLA had delegated primary oversight to the California Coastal Commission (CCC), as they are represented by a nonvoting member on the CCC Board of Commissioners.

So then, just what is the process that assures facilitates this lawful and proper use?  How do we know what is being done, how much things  cost, who is being charged for using it  and who is getting paid what?  Yup, it’s the county annual budget, some 912 pages for the year starting July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016.  Dana Point Harbor Budget starts on page #310 of the Complete County Budget link below.

December 12, 2015
County of Orange ~ 2015 Strategic (5 Year) Financial Plan Section 07 (OC Dana Point Harbor Only) (New)!
County of Orange ~ 2015 Strategic (5 Year) Financial Plan Section 07 (complete) (New)!

July 2, 2105
County of Orange approved 2015 - 2016 Budget - Complete County Budget (very large file) (New)!
OC Dana Point Harbor - 2013 - 2014 SLC Tidelands Trust Annual Report (New)!
OC Dana Point Harbor 2015 - 2016 Approved Budgets for 108 Funds
OC Dana Point Harbor 2015 - 2016 Approved Budgets for both 108 & 12K Funds
OC Dana Point Harbor 2014 - 2015 Budgets for 108 Fund (Regular Department Budget) & 12K Fund Budget (DBW Loans & Emergency Repair Fund) (Update)!

If you any questions regarding the County Budget or Revitalization Budget please submit a Boaters Liaison Submission Form; follow the link below.  Your identifying information will not be shared if requested so you remain anonymous. If your issue has value to the larger boating community, we may wish to post it on our website, your identifying information will not be shared on our website.


Please click on the following link to take you to our secure Boaters Liaison Submission Form.

If you should have any questions and/or comments about the new Boaters Liaison Forum please do not hesitate to contact the Board of Directors by email at Boaters Liaison Forum.